
Archives / 2015 / August
  • Get started with beacons in your UWP App

    With Windows 10 Microsoft added support for Beacons. In this blogpost I will tell you how to get started. It’s very easy! And since writing an UWP app it will work on your pc, tablet but ofcourse also on your phone. Requirements: A beacon, A little device that sends the signal A Bluetooth LE enabled device I am using this beacon in combination with my surface 3 pro and my Lumia 930. First the setup; this one is little tricky. You need to enable Bluetooth for your app. In the past I was …

  • Creating screencasts with Windows 10

    Sometimes it’s nice to create a sreencast from your app as promotion of your apps. This can help to demostate the app to your users, a video is often more helpful then screenshots to your users. In Windows 8 you needed external tools to make this kind of video’s. In Windows 10 Microsoft added some functionality you can use to make screencasts! If you press Windows Key + G you get the gamebar. Which looks like: For here you can easily record an video of your app, just press the record button. …

  • Generating libraries for UWP apps

    For Windows Apps I have my own library that I am using in all my apps. This library contains reuable stuff I created or found on the internet that are useful for me. Getting the best from all the libraries out there and avoids me to include lot of libraries is each project again. Last week I started to create a library for UWP apps. When I tried to copy the output to one of my UWP apps I was getting this error: 1C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.NetNative\Microsoft.Net.CoreRuntime. …