DurationPicker control for Windows Store Apps

For one of my new apps i had the requirement that an user could select a duration of an event. First i looked how it was done by the Calendar app and i noticed that they give few options for duration, or let you select and end date. In that case you dont fill in a duration. For me that wasn't a possible solution.

I tried out the Time Picker to select a duration. Only one cool feature of the time picker maked it worthless for me. When your in england / VS the time picker also shows AM / PM optio, what suggest it is a point in time and not a duration.

I end up with creating a custom control nd the result looks this way:

Cool features about this control:

  • you can assign a minimal and maximal duration
  • hides time parts which are not nessary to fill in (if maximum duration if below an hour, only shows the minutes)
  • Supports the header property like textbox and other input controls has

You can download the source code, including a demo project here: